The Matchmaker

The Matchmaker

God wants us to trust Him for all things, not just some things. God knows who the perfect mate is for everyone He has created because He knows our hearts (Luke 16:15; Rom. 8:27; Psalm 139:1-4; Prov. 21:2; Rev. 2:23).

God has chosen mates for many people in the past. The Lord even used an angel to pick out a wife for Abraham’s son, Isaac (Gen. 24:7, 12-19).

The key to receiving a spouse from God is to get ready by daily putting on the character of Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 11:1). Next, pray to God for a spouse, and be specific in your request (Is. 41:21). Then, trust in God by continuing to put Him first in your life. Do not take matters into your own hand out of desperation. Quietly trust the Lord to bring your perfect mate, in His time and not yours. Remember, God has your best interest in mind.

God wants to know whether you will stay faithful and wait, or be overanxious. God wants you to continue to trust in Him and do good (Psalm 37:3). He wants you to continue to practice being faithful to Him (Psalm 31:23). As you continue to delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4). Just keep offering the sacrifice of righteousness and continue to trust in the Lord, and He will bring all things to pass (Psalm 37:5; 4:5; Matt. 6:33; Rom. 12:1; Heb. 13:16).

God does not want you to practice sensuality, which is immorality. Instead, He wants you to glorify Him by your continued chaste behavior (2 Cor. 12:21). Sensuality includes petting and other sexual games that people play. Our bodies must be used to glorify God and do His Will, since they no longer belong to us to fulfill our fleshly desires (1 Cor. 6:19-20; 7:32). We stay in God’s Will when we continually do things that are right and wholesome in His eyes.

Fornication encompasses every sexual sin, including masturbation, sex outside of a married relationship and adultery, which is specifically the unfaithfulness of a married partner. If any man looks upon a woman to lust for her with a view to desire her, he has already committed sin (Matt. 5:27-28). This would include watching pornography.  How about if a woman entices a man sexually? Have they not both committed the sin, even though they have not physically carried through with the act? God’s word says they most certainly they have! God commands you to flee immorality because it is a sin against your own body (1 Cor. 6:18). Remember, God does not change and Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow (Heb. 13:8).

Satan’s greatest weapon is to cause your flesh to become absorbed in self-pity, and then help you justify the wrong actions you are desiring to do or have already done. This is the test, then: Will you obey God or will you follow after the desires of the flesh? Remember, with God’s help, nothing is impossible for you to do (Gen. 11:6; Matt. 17:20).

God knows you are in need of a mate. He can use this situation to build godly character and faithfulness in you. Through it, you can learn to trust the Lord for wisdom and self-control. Ask God to control your sexual desires and put them to sleep until the Lord sends a soul-mate for you.  After all, He is the matchmaker! The Spirit that made the world and everything in it dwells in you.

In the meantime, you can learn subjection to God and show Him you love Him before your own wants and needs. Jesus said, “If your eye offends you, pluck it out” (Matt. 18:9). In this parable, He warns you not to let anything stop you from entering God’s kingdom. Remain faithful to God, be patient and trust Him to work out your problems. Remember, Esau lost his inheritance over a little bowl of soup (Gen. 25:29-34). Need more be said? Trust God, do good, and He will bring the desires of your heart to pass (Psalm 10:17; 37:4).