It’s Later Than You Think

For the coming of the Son of Man will be just as the days of Noah (Matt. 24:37-38). People were still going about their business as usual. No one expected anything to happen. In other words, it came upon the whole world as a snare, a trap.

Will Jesus Christ’s return come upon us at the end of this age as a snare? Luke 21:34-35 says, yes, indeed it will. Not only will it come upon this present-day society as a trap, but God’s word also states He is going to do things in our day that we would not believe, even if someone described them to us (Acts 13:41). Yes, if someone would describe them to the people, they would mock and scoff at that person and as a result, they will perish. Many say, “I would not scoff.” Well, here is your chance to find out.

What else was going on in the days of Noah shortly before the flood—when all of mankind came into judgment and perished, with the exception of Noah and his family? God’s word says angels assumed a physical form, came down to earth and mated with human women (Gen. 6:4). Were these good angels or evil angels? God’s word says in Jude 6 and 7 that these were evil angels who did not keep their proper abode, but interfered in man’s affairs, and as a result, are going to be destroyed in the lake of fire along with their ruler, Satan, the devil (Matt. 25:41; Rev. 20:10). Is this happening again today?

Very shortly, the man of sin, as he is called, will be revealed to the inhabitants of this world. He is also called the son of destruction, the man of lawlessness (2 Thess. 2:3). This “world teacher” who possesses all the powers of Satan. God’s word mentions this individual in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12. God is restraining this individual now, until the time when he will be revealed (2 Thess. 2:6-8). He will rule this earth for three and one-half years after this time. This beast will then be seized along with the false prophet—his side kick. They will be the first two to be destroyed by the Lord in the lake of fire when He returns shortly (Rev. 19:20). 

Notice what Revelation 12:12 says: “Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has only a short time.” When did Satan come down to earth? Revelation 12:7-9 says it was after a war was fought in heaven.  What is happening in our skies now?

The mystery of lawlessness mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 are those who cause an apostasy, a falling away from the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to the god of paganism. The god of paganism is the god of this world, Satan. In the Bible, he is called “the beast” because his body is not human and his spirit is that of Satan. We advise people not to watch this man when he appears on television and makes his declaration to the world, because he is coming with all the power and authority of Satan (Rev. 13:2, 6-8). The whole world will eventually be deceived into worshiping him and taking his mark (666) or his name upon their right hand or forehead (Rev. 13:3-4, 16-18). 

Now is the time to prepare! Now is the time to repent! Now is the time to make all your ways pleasing to God, in thought, word and deed. Now is the time to seek God by studying His word daily. Now is the time to imitate Him by practicing His Ways in your life and stay true to Him until the end (Eph. 5:1). 

Our Lord Jesus Christ declared, we must overcome the satanic pulls of our evil natures by keeping and doing the deeds of Jesus Christ and enduring to the end (Rev. 2:26; Rom. 2:7; Eph. 2:10; John 14:12). If the greatest in the kingdom will be the servant of the most, then what’s going to happen to those who will not serve others for the Lord now? 

Remember always, it is the sheep who inherit the kingdom because on a daily basis, they serve others who need help, as Jesus Christ gave them example to do. They do all manner of righteous deeds in their daily lives for the Lord, whether in word or deed, as they are commanded to do (Col. 3:17). In short, the Lord’s true disciples only live to do good, as Jesus said we should. They feed the hungry, give clothes to those in need, visit the sick, invite in those who need a place to stay and visit those who are in prison (Matt. 25:33-40). All their deeds are done for the Lord, not for their own glory (Matt. 5:16). They are continual doers of the Lord’s words, and they are the ones who will abide forever because they are daily doers of God’s Will (John 8:51; 1 John 2:17). They perform God’s Will daily on earth as it is being done in heaven (Matt. 7:21; 6:10). 

How ridiculous are the words of the false prophets who say there is nothing to do to be accepted by God. True repentance is a glorious new life that one lives, a life of righteous good works done to please the Lord. If you are not living it, then you’re not accepted by God (2 Thess. 1:5; Matt. 25:41). Even the thief on the cross could pray for others and for the forgiveness of his sins. If he would have been taken down from that cross, he would have been required to live as a follower of Jesus Christ.  He had a good excuse why he couldn’t physically live the righteous life, but we who are free do not.

Ask yourself:

1.What did I do for the Lord yesterday to please Him (John 8:29)?

2.What did I do today to please the Lord (Col. 3:17)?

3.What do I plan to do tomorrow that will please the Lord (Eccl. 10:2; Prov. 16:9)?

The answers to these questions let you know who you are living for, the Lord or the god of this world, Satan. In the dictionary, the word “godless” implies a simple definition of one who leaves God out of his life. Now is the time to repent and live the righteous life so you will not perish along with those who worship the beast and receive his mark. It is most definitely later than you think!